10 things you never knew about Valentine’s Day
You probably know that Valentine’s Day falls on 14th February, but do you know how it originated?
We’ve collated a list of little known facts about the most romantic day of the year so you’ll be totally prepared for the big day.
According to legend, St Valentine lost his head on 14th February. The real Valentine allegedly carried out illegal weddings for Roman soldiers and was imprisoned for his crimes. While there, he healed the jailer’s daughter and sent her a letter signed ‘Your Valentine’ before finally being beheaded.
Valentine’s Day traditions actually began in the UK, but had taken hold in the US by 1850.
The earliest surviving Valentine dates back to the 15th century, sent by Charles, the Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
The first printed Valentine’s Day cards were created at the end of the 18th century, but were being mass produced by the 1800s.
Valentine’s Day gifts are a relatively modern invention; until the mid-20th century only cards and notes were exchanged.
In Mexico, 14th February is a day of national mourning.
46% of all the flowers sent in the UK on Valentine’s Day are roses.
One billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent worldwide, with 25 million sent in the UK alone.
Almost 70% of single men spend the day alone, but only 32% of women do.
Over 85% of women buy cards on Valentine’s Day and almost 75% of men buy flowers.